Body language | Body language tips | How to improve posture | Confident body language tips | Body personality development

Body language | Body language tips | How to improve posture | Confident body language tips |  Body personality development

A person's body language speaks many things about him that a person can never speak. Body language helps you to understand the other person by the actions of that person, how that person is behaving will come to know only through body language.

In simple words, body language is feeling or intension which is expressed by body posture, eye movement, and facial expression. body language is a subset of non-verbal communication, complements verbal communication in social interaction.

so it is crucial to accurately follow and read body language to avoid any misunderstanding while interacting with someone.

•Shows confidence
•Establish a good relationship
•Give a quick-expression for better understanding
•Prove your presence
•Better first impression

•Send a negative message to others
•No long conversation
•Showing less trustworthy
•Miscommunication and misinterpretation
•Less attractive

Here are some effective tips on how to improve body language:

Positive body language to follow:


Eye contact shows confidence, when you make eye contact while speaking you can understand what the other person is actually saying. it also helps you to understand even the unsaid word. 

When you make a good eye contact the person in front of you wouldn't dare to look away. they would definitely keep looking and make an interest in what you are saying.

Body language | Body language tips | How to improve posture | Confident body language tips |  Body personality development

Your smile is a powerful facial expression that everyone's likes. when you smile, people around you Consider as a fun-loving and approachable next time when you meet someone just give a positive and warm smile it makes you and the opposite person feel good and send a message to that person, you are really happy to meet them. 

So just smile, but don't overdo it may be creating awkwardness.

Body language | Body language tips | How to improve posture | Confident body language tips |  Body personality development

Having a good posture increase your confidence so Always avoid awkward position like-slouching, standing with a flat back, hunched back and leaning on one leg.these position indicates that you are a boring person and also may lead to permanent poor posture.

Body language | Body language tips | How to improve posture | Confident body language tips |  Body personality development

Most of the people follow negative body languages like talking while folding arm or hiding arm on the back. 

This negative body language indicates that you are not comfortable or interested in the person which is in front of avoid close body language and use gestures like uncrossed arm and uncrossed leg.
Body language | Body language tips | How to improve posture | Confident body language tips |  Body personality development
Negative body language to avoid:

This is a huge common mistake done by most of the dudes because when you crossing your arms and legs you look insecure and defensive.

It is also seen in job interview and meeting that people who sitting with crossing their arms and legs gives a negative message to the person in front.
Body language | Body language tips | How to improve posture | Confident body language tips |  Body personality development
Nowadays many people seems in hurry they talk quickly, move quickly or even eat quickly, but most people cross their line and do a lot more than that, Because of which the person in front of them starts seeing that this person is very nervous and anxious.

So next time whenever you are in rush so take a deep breath and slow down yourself.
Body language | Body language tips | How to improve posture | Confident body language tips |  Body personality development
Most of the people make this mistake without even realizing, tired expressions make them very bored and unapproachable, which no one likes. So make sure your smile is on point whenever you meet people.

Body language | Body language tips | How to improve posture | Confident body language tips |  Body personality development

This is a very common mistake that many people make in daily life. In this mistake, people shake their hands very tight or too loose which is both wrong.loose handshake, indicates that you are a passive(submissive) person and a tight handshake, indicates you are an aggressive person.

So make sure whenever you are going to handshake, it should be comfortable and firm.

Body language | Body language tips | How to improve posture | Confident body language tips |  Body personality development

Eye contact is good but when you overdo it becomes staring and it makes the person in front of you feel uncomfortable, insecure and also creates awkwardness in make eye contact without being creepy.

Body language | Body language tips | How to improve posture | Confident body language tips |  Body personality development

Doing hand moment rapidly like scratching head, checking a watch or adjusting your dress, indicates to others that you are in a hurry, uninterested and it also appears you anxious. So use the hand moment in a good way. like moving the hand while explaining something.

Body language | Body language tips | How to improve posture | Confident body language tips |  Body personality development

Follow and avoid these body languages in your conversation and you definitely get a positive result.

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